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Celebrating the Little Achievements

Oh look!  A bonus!  Two blog posts in one day!  I hate to break my track record of spotty posting but I just cannot help but share my excitement!

Last night I made sure I took a shower before bed.  I brushed my teeth, applied face moisturizer and body cream, and dried my hair.  Then, I selected an outfit and hung it on the closet door hook.  I felt like I was actually doing what I was supposed to, like a real, live grown-up!  This morning I got up after one push of the snooze and turned on some 40s big band on Pandora to listen to while getting ready.  I got dressed and decided I was not happy with the way the cardigan I chose last night looked, so I hopped back in the closet to find something else.  Having something picked out the night before allowed me a time cushion this morning to make a last minute switch since I wasn't staring with contemplation at my closet for five or ten minutes trying to figure out what to wear.  And already having a solid base for an outfit meant I only had to change tops.  By 5 a.m. I was dressed with my hair, makeup, and jewelry done and headed for the kitchen to start breakfast after waking J and R.  I cooked breakfast, made J's sandwich, put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher, and put in the dirty dishes from the sink.  We ate together as a family and were all out the door by 6:15 a.m.  I even managed to make the bed in the last few minutes between when J left and R and I headed out to wait for the school bus.

I am so excited about how good I feel this morning.  Having part of the battle already taken care of when I got up and listening to fun, upbeat music I love helped to make things so much smoother.  And being able to start earlier on breakfast meant it was done early enough that J could eat before leaving for work.  I love being able to send my family off knowing they've had a nutritious breakfast and are ready to tackle the day.  I already have a few thoughts on the next things I want to add to my morning and evening routines but I am going to keep working on establishing my current ones as habits before adding more.  There is still room for improvement and refinement.  However, today truly feels like a day worth celebrating the small victories and little achievements!